Egg Retrival Is Close!!
Today is very exciting because I have 15 follicles growing and they're all around 14-16mm each! I was told that I'm getting closer to my...

Better News for Babies after Cancer
I had a 7am appointment this morning to get an ultrasound and blood work. It was rough getting up because my mind wouldn't let me sleep...

Journey of Preserving my Fertility (3)
Today I went to get my ultrasound and blood work. The results demonstrated that I have plenty of follicles. As a result, the doctor...

Journey of Preserving My Fertility (2)
Around 8pm, I was injected with Ovidrel. I'm kind of nervous and excited at the same time. I can't wait until Tuesday to find out what...

Journey of Preserving My Fertility
The ultrasound today showed one of my follicles at 17.5mm. My follicle has to be at 18mm in order to continue the journey of preserving...

At Risk of Losing Fertility as a Result of Chemotherapy
As devastating as it was to find out at age 31 that I have breast cancer and I will be losing my breasts, it was as equally devastating...

Workout Fueled By CARBS and Emotion
Life After Cancer

A Set of Wings
After hearing the news, that a fellow softball buddy ended his earthly battle with cancer and gained the biggest prize, a set of wings,...

You Don't Realize How Strong You Are
A little #tbt on the top picture to May 2014. I was 2 chemo rounds in and a day before running a 5k! And the bottom two this past month!...

I Felt My Pony
For the first time in 2.5 years I felt my pony move like it use to. I literally cried. Although most don't think about something so...