Workout Fueled By CARBS and Emotion

This workout fueled by CARBS and emotion! Thanks @bswgmike for refeeeereed! Oh and when your pants match your jacket... You stand on the bench and take a pic! Felt it was appropriate to wear my @fitness_epidemic train on cancer tank, since 3 years ago today I received the most life changing phone call. This day 3 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It is a lifetime journey and something I have to battle everyday mentally! #npconeday #19weeksout #cancersurvivor#onthewaytothestage2017 #mjdjourney #fitmom #fitlife #igotafewwierdlooks#mikeandmaggieconquerthestage #girlswithmuscle #girlswholift#livinlifetothefullest #letsdothis #cancersucks