A Set of Wings

After hearing the news, that a fellow softball buddy ended his earthly battle with cancer and gained the biggest prize, a set of wings, today, I needed the gym more than ever. I didn't know Cody on a personal level, but I knew of him. We shared a common award #cancersurvivor ! I went through every emotion today trying to grasp the reality that he was gone. It wasn't until I was at the gym that I realized I was continually thinking about him selfishly. My first thought being for his family, especially his little girl,but mostly because the fear set in. I have sat in the chair as a "cancer patient" and still do every few months. I was in fear that it could have been me ending my earthly journey. The reality is no one is guaranteed the next second, and we should be living our lives exactly how we want to live. To ensure we are leaving behind a legacy, a good name, and having no regrets. I am glad Cody is no longer in pain, fear, or worry, and I know he is enjoying the fields up there. I pray for peace and comfort for his family and friends in this time of finding a new normal. #cancersucks #iwasscaredoutofmymindinallthesepictures#mymomismygreatestfan #bestfriendsshaveyourhead #hairandwine#firstchemo #findscure #staystrong #teammaggie #teammaggieforacure#dontwannagothroughthatagain #3day #susangkomenmile#keepsmilingthroughthepain
#cancer #Teens #fertility #infertility #staystrong #breastcancer #cancersucks #cancersurvivor #bestfriendsshaveyourhead #iwasscaredoutofmymindinallthesepictures #keepsmilingthroughthepain #lifeaftercancer #friends #teammaggie #teammaggieforacure #fitlife #cancersux #mjdjourney #cancerandinfertility #youngadultswithcancer #youngadults