Fighting and Beating Cancer is not a walk in the Park

Fighting and beating cancer was/is not a walk in the park and I feel that needs to be said before what I'm about to be say. I'm thankful cancer was a detour my journey of life took. Most people are probably reading this thinking I'm crazy and that is fine. I'm not thankful I physically had cancer, but I am thankful for the people I met, the things it taught me, the person it made me, and the opportunities it has and continues to give me. It allowed my family to become closer, and washed away the people who did not belong in my life. It taught me to be strong in a time the rest of the word thought I would be weak. It lead me to some of the greatest people and friends that I would not have met otherwise. Because of this crazy detour, my mom has created a foundation and on a daily basis we get to help others on their journey. It inspired me to walk 60 miles in three days, something I never thought I would especially 4 months post chemo. It also emphasized just how valuable, short, and precious life truly is. I believe God chose me to travel this cancer journey to remind me what is important in life. Life isn't about how long/ perfect your hair is, the clothes you where, or the things you can by, but it's about the memories you make, the people you inspire/help, and becoming the best possible version of yourself. My cancer detour ironically saved me from myself and a life I thought I wanted in 2013.Life is short my friends don't get caught up in this worlds crazy perception of what life should be. Instead go out and be yourself, and leave your own special mark.