First Chemo

There are a few dates that will continue to stick out every year, and this is one of those. It's hard to believe, but this time last year I was going into my first chemo treatment. I was scared of the unknown, anxious to know what is was going to be like, and ready/determined to kick butt!#breastcancersurvivor #chemosucks #bestsupportsystem #timeflies#atlantacancercenter
#staystrong #infertility #fertility #cancer #Teens #teammaggieforacure #teammaggie #teenswithcancer #cancersurvivor #breastcancer #breastcancersurvivor #mjdjourney #thestormwillpass #youngadultswithcancer #youngadults #lifeaftercancer #cancersucks #bestsupportsystem #timeflies #cancersux #atlantacancercenter #northsidehospital