You Don't Realize How Strong You Are

A little #tbt on the top picture to May 2014. I was 2 chemo rounds in and a day before running a 5k! And the bottom two this past month! I never really see why people look at me crazy when I give them a short version of my life to this point, until I had a moment to reflect this morning. You don't realize how strong you are until it's honestly your only option. I never wanna be a quitter and I never wanna let myself down! #keepyourheadup#thestormwillpass #cancersurvivor #weallhaveobstaclestoovercome#stayfocused #mjdjourney #fitnesssavedmylife #gymratforareason #fitlife#fitmom #cancersucks #onthewaytothestage #iwillsucceed #iwillovercome#npconeday
#cancer #Teens #mjdjourney #fitmom #fitlife #cancersucks #teammaggieforacure #teammaggie #youngadultswithcancer #breastcancer #breastcancersurvivor #keepyourheadup #thestormwillpass #cancersurvivor #stayfocused #gymratforareason #weallhaveobstaclestoovercome #fitnesssavedmylife #iwillsucceed #youngadults #cancerandinfertility #staystrong #fertility