Pregnant When Diagnosed With Cancer

In February of 2017 I was diagnosed with Acute Promgelocytic Leukemia (APL). I was 11 weeks pregnant and lost the baby as a result of my treatment. I have always felt that being diagnosed with leukemia is something I could deal with and fight and win. The thought of losing our baby that we have wanted and planned for at the same time was a whole different story. It has been the hardest card we have been dealt, harder than cancer.., its the thing that keeps me up at night. When I was first diagnosed I was unable to do any sort of fertility preservation because I was pregnant and it was essential that my treatment begin right away. Thankfully I responded well and am getting healthier so my body was able to handle an egg retrieval in October. Having an egg retrieval needed to be done as soon as I finished chemotherapy so I could begin taking a maintenance medication to keep my leukemia in remission. Unfortunately, my insurance company does not cover fertility treatments so my husband and I had to pay out of pocket. So now in addition to going to the doctor for blood work and sonograms everyday while also having the stress of giving myself multiple injections at home every night we had to worry about how we were going to pay for it all. Thankfully the social worker at my cancer center knew of Team Maggie for a Cure and was able to help us in receiving grant money towards this procedure. We were so excited when Mary called and said we had been accepted and would be receiving $2,000 towards our bill! It takes away much of the unnecessary stress and we will be forever grateful for this gift. We appreciate everything Mary and her organization do to help couples like us!
#aftercancer #baldandbeautiful #somepeopledontgetit #APL #AcutePromgelocyticleukemia #familyaftercancer #chemosideeffects #chemosideeffects #lifeaftercancer #teammaggieforacure #teammaggie #chemoandinfertility #infertility #eggretrival #Dreams #keepthedreamoffamilyalive #cancersux #cancer #cancersucks