Froze 2 Embryos Before Cancer Treatment

My name is Gemma and I am 30 years old. I live in Mattoon, IL and work for the United States Postal Service as a Letter Carrier. I love my job and I love the people I work with and meet while I walk various city routes. Last year though my customers noticed that I started to walk various city routes. Last year though my customers noticed that I started to walk with a limp. I thought that I had just pulled a muscle but In late February 2017 a tumor was discovered behind my knee. My whole world was turned upside down when I was told that I have Ewing's Sarcoma. No one expects to get cancer. My husband and I planned on getting pregnant and starting a family this year. Now we were faced with the fact that the drugs that can help me would also make it impossible for me to produce any more viable eggs to have a baby. Fortunately we asked about fertility preservation and were able to fast track the process and freeze two embryos. This came at a very large expense though. I am so grateful that organizations like Team Maggie For A Cure exist. It's hard and stressful enough to fight cancer, then have to worry about how to come up with the funds to ensure that you can have the opportunity to have your own family someday. Thank you Team Maggie!
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