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Meet Mariah

Being diagnosed with breast cancer in my 20s was not something I was prepared for. I knew I had inherited the CHEK2 mutation and had a higher chance of getting breast cancer, so I was screened regularly beginning at age 25. Even then, when a small spot showed up on a routine MRI, I was told it was probably nothing and to come back for a rescreen. I was in the process of moving and changing careers and was excited to begin a new chapter in my life. Having cancer was not on my radar. Jump nine months and two rescreens later and a biopsy was finally ordered. Still nothing prepared me for a call at 8 in the morning on a Thursday less than a month shy of my 29th birthday to learn the results and receive the diagnosis of “Invasive Ductal Carcinoma”. That is the day the words breast cancer became a permanent part of my daily life and vocabulary. I have always worked with children and dreamed of becoming a mother. Shortly before my diagnosis, I began making plans to start this journey. Once the blur of constant doctors’ appointments, screenings, and procedures settled down, the realization that my cancer treatments could negatively impact my fertility and motherhood plans set in. I was devastated to think I could not have the family I had dreamed about. When family and friends suggested I consider harvesting my eggs for the future, I had no idea how expensive the process could be. I am eternally grateful that I found support and assistance from Team Maggie and successfully completed my IVF process. I can now proceed with my long-term cancer treatments and focus on my future health with the knowledge that these treatments will not end my plans for motherhood.


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