Meet Tiffany

On April 22nd, one day after my husband and I's anniversary, I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. I am currently completing a family nurse practitioner program and received the call during one of my clinical days. I honestly felt like it was a bad dream and that I was going to wake up any second. I was experiencing no symptoms outside of finding a very well-hidden lump in my breast.
My husband and I currently do not have any children of our own. We focused most of our adult lives on our careers and preparing financially for our future children. We had discussed plans to begin our family once I graduated from school, which is this August. My diagnosis of breast cancer now has placed all of that on hold and we were heartbroken, to say the least. After much discussion, we decided that we were going to undergo fertility preservation and have one egg retrieval completed before I started chemo. This is when we found Team Maggie's Dream. Reading through the testimonials and Maggie's story gave us hope. We cannot even begin to express our gratitude for how Team Maggie has helped us.
My career has revolved around being an oncology nurse. For 9 years I have worked alongside patients from day 1 of their diagnosis and throughout their treatment. I thought I had a good grasp on everything that they were going through, and what the diagnosis of cancer entailed. I was completely wrong. My diagnosis has truly opened my eyes as to what patients go through daily, whether it be with doctor's visits, scans, biopsies, treatment, or just the emotional toll it takes on you. Now I hope to take all that I have learned and will continue to learn, so that I may provide better care to my future patients.
One of the biggest things I have learned is to be your own advocate! Do not be afraid to ask questions or seek clarification on something. This is your body and health that are on the line so learning to speak up for yourself is so important. Also, do not ever take anything for granted. Cherish each and every day. Love those who support you and take time to care for yourself.